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Hardware Unique ID Extractor
Example for FoxPro programmers

Hardware unique ID extractor


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Delphi programming C/C++  programming VB (Visual Basic)  programming





Hardware ID extractor - partition serial number,hard drive serial number,volume serial number



Programing language: FoxPro

Enviroment: Microsoft Visual FoxPro

Source code by:

For Hardware ID Extractor DLL version: 2.0



Example for Visual FoxPro programmers


*-- CPU --

DECLARE STRING GetCPUID IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\" long

DECLARE STRING CPUFamily IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING GetCPUVendor IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING GEtCPUSpeed IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE short IsIntel64BitCPU IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE integer GetCpuTheoreticSpeed IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE short IsCPUIDAvailable IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE string GetCpuIdNow IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE integer GetCPUCount IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"


*-- HDD --

DECLARE STRING GetIDESerialNumber IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\" short

DECLARE STRING GetPartitionID IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\" string


*-- BIOS --

DECLARE STRING BiosProductID IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING BiosDate IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING BiosVersion IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING BiosProductID IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"

DECLARE STRING BiosVideo IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\"



#define myKey xxx
DECLARE short EnterKey IN \"HardwareIDExtractorC.DLL\" integer



Note: Don't forget to call ReleaseMemory when you are done with the function.





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Hardware ID Extractor Support